Central Oregon is world-renowned for our extensive network of amazing mountain bike trails, many that take off right from town! Whether you’re a new resident, a local new to mountain biking, or just visiting for the weekend, there are a variety of fantastic mountain biking trails to enjoy when you visit Bend. Check out a few of our team's favorite rides below.
- Uphill riders and horses have right-of-way.
- Please don’t ride off the trail to pass another rider.
- If you’re letting a rider pass you while stopped, please keep your bike on the trail as much as possible.
- Smile and have FUN!
NOTE: eBikes are not allowed on local designated non-motorized trails. Including Phil’s Trail Complex. Find out more here.
Bend Trails Phil's Complex and Wanoga Complex.
Classic Ben's/Phil’s Ride
Great after work loop.
A Big Day at Phil's
Great climb with some tech and down hill.
Staff Pick: Great Ride with Friends.
Good climb with a fun descent.
12 mile loop starting at the botttom of lower Storm King.
Winter MTB Routes
Maston Outer Loop
10 mile winter loop.
Short Tech Loop Horse Ridge
Great climb with some tech and down hill.
Longer Loop Horse Ridge
Good climb with less tech and a fun descent.
Mellow 10 mile loop to help wake the legs up in winter.